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430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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Occupational Health and Industrial Safety


We put safety first - it is critical for the work environment we create for our employees. It is imperative for us that our enterprises make no harm to local communities in which they are located, and that the manufacturing process bears no risk to the employees’ life and health. Improving the system of occupational health and industrial safety, the company implements the ISO 45001:2018 based management system.

We have an ongoing effort to reasonably reduce existing occupational risks - this is made possible through the implementation of targeted occupational health and safety programs.

How to ensure occupational safety? We say: by standardizing operating practices and continuously increasing the personnel proficiency. Such approach gives a tangible impact. All technological processes will be clear and safe only if people understand the logic of each operating step and follow the established standard practices.

Personnel competence is one of the key aspects in occupational safety issues. We are fully aware of the degree of responsibility borne by the company and each of its employees, therefore we are developing together - we regularly conduct targeted occupational health and safety advanced training courses for immediate supervisors.

New production tasks require the personnel to constantly update their knowledge base. Therefore, employees of our company not only receive basic training, but always improve their work practices by using the latest standards and directives. In this way, we shape and develop a safety culture in general.

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