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Settling tanks of 50,100 and 200 m3 volume are intended for preliminary discharge of formation water from oil.

Design gage pressure: 1.0 MPa (kgf/cm2).Minimum allowable working temperature of the tank wall is minus 100°C.

Settling tanks can be of standard design (Oil-Settling tank) or individual design (Modular Oil-Settling tank, Modular Unitized Oil-Settling tank, etc.). The final type of individual design is selected based on the specified process parameters.

Settling tank of 200 m3 volume is intended for preliminary discharge of formation water from oil.

Liquid output: 10,000 t/day.

Productivity, volumetric: 50 t/day.

Operating gage pressure: 0.8 (8) MPa (kgf/cm2).

Maximum allowable working temperature of the tank wall is 100°C.

Minimum allowable working temperature of the tank wall is minus 100°C.