Equipment for processing and storage of petrochemical and other products
РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700
РМ Рейл Москва
123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700
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Equipment for processing and storage of petrochemical and other products

Settling tanks

Settling tanks of 50,100 and 200 m3 volume are intended for preliminary discharge of formation water from oil.

Maximum allowable working temperature of the tank wall is 100°C

Electric Dehydrators

The vessels are designed for deep dehydration and demineralization of oil. Сapacity is up to 250 m3.

Maximum allowable working temperature of the tank wall is 80°C

Pressure vessels

(ВЭЭ - vertical, elliptical heads; ВКЭ - vertical, cone & flat heads; ВПП - vertical, flat&flat heads; GKK - horizontal, elliptical&elliptical heads). Pressure vessels of the types: ВЭЭ (Russian product classification code 36-1512), ВКП (Russian product classification code 36-1522, 36-1512), ВПП (Russian product classification code 36-1516, 36-1526), ГЭЭ (Russian product classification code 36-1515) .

Pressure vessels for gases and liquids

Horizontal vessels for liquids of 4 to 250 m3 nominal volume, with 0.8; 1.0; 1.6; 2.5 MPa nominal pressures, 1200 to 3400 mm in diameter.

Gas separators

Depending on the application conditions, productivity ranges from 0.05 to 5.6 million m3/day.


Drums (containers) for storage and transportation of liquid chlorine, chlorofluorohydrocarbons, liquid and gaseous sulfur dioxide.

Oil and gas separators/ oil and gas separators with water discharge

Oil and gas separators with water discharge are part of oilfield collecting and processing units.

Air accumulators

Air accumulators are subject to inspection by Rostechnadzor (Russian Technical Supervisory Authority).


Helium receivers for storing gaseous helium in a cryogenic supply system, helium receivers for storage of gaseous helium of 76 m3 volume, oxygen receivers of 20.63 m3 volume for accumulation and storage of gaseous oxygen, nitrogen and other dry, compatible, not corrosive to metals, non-hazardous, explosion-proof gases in centralized gas supply systems of enterprises and various facilities.

Heat exchanging equipment/ evaporators

Heat exchangers are designed for technological processes in the chemical, oil, petrochemical, gas and other industries (except nuclear).

Mechanically agitated vessels

Mechanically agitated vessels of АПУ type are designed for carrying out various technological processes in liquids.

Pipeline strainers

Pipeline strainers for filtration of fluid media at nominal pressures of 1.6 and 4.0 MPa are intended for the protection of pumping and other equipment in process units of the oil refining, petrochemical, oil and gas industries.

Underground tanks per TU 3615-150-00217403-2007

The tanks are designed for drainage of light and dark oil products, crude oil, oils, condensate.

Horizontal steel tanks (RGS)

Cylindrical horizontal steel tanks of 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100 m3 volume for petroleum products storage intended for underground installation in dry and wet soils.

Vertical steel tank with fixed roof (РВС)

The tanks are used to store crude oil, fuel oil, diesel fuel, kerosene, bitumen, tar, various oils (including edible), water and other products in a liquid state.

Vertical steel tank with fixed roof and pontoon (РВСП)

Such tanks are often used for storage of crude oil, gasoline, kerosene, jet fuel. The pontoon is a rigid, gas-tight floating disk-shaped covering placed on the product mirror inside the cylindrical tank so that at least 90% of its area is covered.

Vertical steel tank with protective wall or ‘double wall storage tank’ (РВСЗС)

The vertical tanks of such design are used at production sites where it is impossible to provide secondary containment for a tank farm. Such double wall cylindrical tanks are built in ecologically sensitive areas, for example, near water basins and residential settlements, to ensure environmental and human health safety.

Vertical steel tank with floating roof (РВСПк)

The design of the tank assumes the use of a roof located on the surface of the stored product with full contact.