Tank car for transportation of petroleum products 15-1210-А
РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
РМ Рейл Москва
123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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Tank car for transportation of petroleum products 15-1210-А

Transported cargoes: viscous petroleum products of 1,13 t/m3 bulk density.

The internal heating system provides the possibility of heating the transported product with steam or hot water.

The heater design provides complete drain of heat transfer fluid.
Load capacity, t 68,5
Tare weight, t, max 25,5
Axle load, tf 23,5
Barrel capacity, m3: full 65,3
Lenght between truck centers, mm 7800
Lenght over couplers, mm 12020
Height above top of rail, max, mm 1040...1080  
Barrel inside diameter, mm 2800
Service life, years 32