Vladimir Volkov: “Ruzchimmash has to continue conquering foreign markets”
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Vladimir Volkov: “Ruzchimmash has to continue conquering foreign markets”

Acting Head of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov held a working meeting with RM Rail General Director Pavel Ovchinnikov. Discussion included results of the first half of the year, plans for implementation of new projects and expansion of the company's export deliveries.

Acting Head of the Republic of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov held a working meeting with RM Rail General Director Pavel Ovchinnikov. Discussion included results of the first half of the year, plans for implementation of new projects and expansion of the company's export deliveries.

“This year Ruzchimmash will double its production volumes versus the previous year: the output will make over 4.5 thousand rail cars”, the head of the holding told the republic's leader. – More than twofold increase will be in castings: it is planned to produce 6,000 car sets by the year end.”

Last year, RM Rail made a real breakthrough with substantial support from federal and regional budgets, significant capital infusions by the holding owners. The company was awarded a contract for engineering development of three rail car models, as well as production and supply of rolling stock to Cuba. This order became very important for the rail car manufacturing holding - it provided capacity utilization under sustained downturn conditions, saving the business team and forming a strong export portfolio.

Now "Ruzchimmash" continues the program of export development. In the first half of the year another contract for supply of 225 rail cars was completed with the Cubans, the collaboration will be pursued in 2018. Vladimir Volkov noted the need for further work on cooperation with foreign partners.

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