The head of Khakassia Valentin Konovalov visits RM Rail Abakanvagonmash
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The head of Khakassia Valentin Konovalov visits RM Rail Abakanvagonmash

The head of Khakassia Valentin Konovalov has paid a working visit to Abakanvagonmash, a part of RM Rail, one of the largest railcar manufacturers in Russia. He made a tour of production lines and had a detailed overview of the plant operations.

The head of Khakassia Valentin Konovalov has paid a working visit to Abakanvagonmash, a part of RM Rail, one of the largest railcar manufacturers in Russia. He made a tour of production lines and had a detailed overview of the plant operations.

In the next two years, the enterprise intends to increase container output from 3 to 7.5-8 thousand units a year. Technical Upgrade Plan is scheduled till the end of 2021. The plan implies modernization of equipment, arrangement of storage facilities, etc.

Head of Khakassia Valentin Konovalov: “RM Rail Abakanvagonmash is the only enterprise in the city that has survived since Soviet times, although it experienced difficulties. And it is encouraging that now the facility is in full swing again, ramping up volumes and planning new promising work streams. Clearly, the government will provide support to the enterprise, we gained common understanding with the management about the areas of our cooperation. The first thing is to work on creating new jobs and attracting more customers.”

President of RM Rail Holding Konstantin Danilov shared the ambitious plans for the enterprise growth: “We strive to become the leader of the Russian container manufacturing, although even today we are the largest producer in the country. Most importantly, demand has activated, orders are coming up. We have developed a number of advanced and sought-after container models for regional carriers. The new products will ensure competition with Chinese manufacturers. Of course, the business needs a certain help, attention, sponsorship of product demand, including measures of government support. This could be done through outright grants for buyers or preferential leasing, disposal charge, defensive duties. We will make every effort to get into full capacity utilization.”

In addition to containers and modular buildings, RM Rail Abakanvagonmash is developing new products. A presentation of a rail car home prototype was given to Valentin Konovalov. The prototype was named “Uncia” – a name symbolic for Khakassia, as a winged ‘Panthera uncia’ is depicted on the Republic’s official coat of arms. Folk tales assign the animal with many positive traits, along with strength and fearlessness. In the near future, the company plans to announce a naming contest to pick the best name for the rail car home which will go into serial production.

Photos provided by the press service of the head of the Republic of Khakassia.

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