RM Rail signed the contract with TransContainer
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RM Rail signed the contract with TransContainer

RM Rail Abakanvagonmash will supply 500 general-purpose containers for PJSC TransContainer.

RM Rail Abakanvagonmash will supply 500 general-purpose containers for PJSC TransContainer.

 RM Rail Abakanvagonmash will supply TransContainer with 500 general-purpose 20-feet containers of 1CC size, adapted for road, railway and maritime transportation. The order shall be fulfilled by early summer this year.

The model is designed for package cargo being classical model in the product line of the company. At the request of the Customer the design was upgraded with regard to the best foreign practices. In a point of fact, Abakanvagonmash engineers replaced rolled components of corner posts with cold-formed ones, at that changing the thickness gage of metal. It improved marketability of container not entailing rise in price but quite the contrary reduced its production cost.

Maximum gross weight – 30 480 kg, container capacity – 33 m3, internal dimensions: length – 5892 mm, width – 2340 mm, height – 2386 mm. 

Vasiliy Miroshin, Managing Director, RM Rail Abakanvagonmash:

- Our main concern is to meet requests of our clients to the most extent, to fabricate high quality and reliable product adapted for transportation of various kinds of freight, including hazardous cargo. That is why Abakanvagonmash containers are compared favorably with cheap foreign counterparts and in the longer term they appear to be efficient investment for our customers from all intents and purposes.

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