RM Rail Ruzkhimmash officially opened car-building site at Saransk
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RM Rail Ruzkhimmash officially opened car-building site at Saransk

The Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, on June 10 took part in the official opening of the production site of the Ruzkhimmash plant in Saransk.

The Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, on June 10 took part in the official opening of the production site of the Ruzkhimmash plant in Saransk.

Recall that in 2014, when the crisis began in the car-building industry, production facilities were mothballed. Only in 2018 there was an increase in demand for railway products, and it was decided to resume production. Now there are two types of cars produced: hoppers made of aluminum alloys with improved technical characteristics and flatcars for transportation of large-capacity containers. Products are modern, innovative, and commercially successful. The hopper made of aluminum alloys is the first certified development in Russia, made of lightweight materials and characterized by a high carrying capacity.

The Head of the Republic examined the production lines - all of them went through modernization with significant investments. Pavel Ovchinnikov, General Director of RM Rail, and Valery Larin, Director of the Ruzkhimmash plant, told that the company was planning to create a whole line of rolling stock made of aluminum, as well as continue to explore the international market.

But par excellence, as Vladimir Volkov stressed, are the new jobs with decent wages that are created here.

“This site has provided jobs with a good salary and modern working conditions. We set ourselves the task of creating such workplaces in the region that will make it possible to sharply increase labor productivity and, on its basis, to raise wages at a faster rate. All this is done to make the workers feel comfortable, - Vladimir Volkov emphasized. - It is very important that highly qualified specialists who had previously been forced to leave for other enterprises are coming back to company. Yesterday glass container plant in Ruzayevka was opened. All workers who had previously left the plant returned to their families and to a good salary. This is for us - the most important thing that people have a decent salary, can support families, educate children, have the opportunity to buy housing in a mortgage, and plants produce competitive products.”

Currently 379 men are hired for Ruzkhimmash production site and about two hundred will be employed. Specialists in working professions are in demand - electric welders, boiler operators, turners, millers, engineers. The average salary is 35-36 thousand rubles, and it will grow according to the General Director of Ruzkhimmash.

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