RM Rail re-certified tank car for vegetable oils
РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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RM Rail re-certified tank car for vegetable oils

RM Rail has re-certified tank car for transportation of vegetable oils (model 15-1210-01П)  in compliance with the Custom Union Technical Regulation requirements.

RM Rail re-certified tank car for vegetable oils
RM Rail has re-certified tank car for transportation of vegetable oils (model 15-1210-01П)  in compliance with the Custom Union Technical Regulation requirements.
Register of Certification on the Federal Railway Transport (FBO "RC FRT") has renewed conformance certificate of RM Rail tank car for vegetable oils transportation (model 15-1210-01П). Certificate meets the requirements of Custom Union Technical Regulation.

RM rail developed that model based on tank car for viscous oil products. Thanks to the steam jacket, it can transport all kinds of solidifying oils, including sunflower, soybean, rapeseed, peanut, mustard, cedar, coconut, linseed, etc. The car fully complies with the sanitary and epidemiological standards and the requirements of the Customs Union for the transportation of food.

Tank car load capacity – 66 tons, tare weight, min/max – 26.7/28 tons, barrel capacity is 73 m3, loading gauge as per GOST 9238-83 is 02-ВМ, length between truck centers – 7800 mm, life span is 30 years.

Alexander Kulikov, RM Rail Sales Director:

- The main advantage of our design is a steam heating jacket. It not only preserves all the qualities of the product, but also allows transportation of up to 15 types of edible oils - this is the widest range of cargo for oil tank cars, which are sold on the Russian market. Versatility allows to operate the tank car with the maximum benefit.  
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