RM Rail presented a new model aluminum hopper car to its customers
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RM Rail presented a new model aluminum hopper car to its customers

RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia, has developed an innovative mineral hopper model 19-1299 made of aluminum alloys. Its presentation to customers took place at Ruzkhimmash plant, a key asset of RM Rail.

RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia, has developed an innovative mineral hopper model 19-1299 made of aluminum alloys. Its presentation to customers took place at Ruzkhimmash plant, a key asset of RM Rail.

RM Rail became the first manufacturer on the domestic market to open the way for a whole line of rolling stock made of lightweight materials. A prototype hopper car model 19-1244 for transportation of mineral fertilizers was certified in 2017. Based on the results of trial run and operators’ feedback, the company’s engineers optimized the design in a new modification 19-1299. Its load capacity was increased to 79 tons, body volume is 111 cubic meters.

Together with a leading Russian institute, aluminum alloy 1581 was chosen as the optimal material for the rail car body. The material features a 35% higher strength with the same density plus enhanced corrosion resistance. It provides maximum protection against corrosive cargoes such as mineral fertilizers, soda ash, cement and over 50 other types of cargo. The hopper car is intended to run on an innovative bogie of 25 tf axle load and increased overhaul mileage.

A significant advantage of rolling stock made of aluminum is 10–15% lower tare weight. Payload weight is about the same percent higher. In addition, aluminum railway vehicles have prolonged service life of 40 years.

Today’s developments are tank car for transportation of chemical cargoes made of aluminum alloy 1407 and LNG ISO tank container with inner vessel made of aluminum alloy 1581, model AKTs-SPG42.7. Serial production of cryogenic tanks with stainless steel inner vessel will begin in 2022, and with aluminum inner vessel - in 2023. It is intended to produce up to 170 units in 2023, with a subsequent increase to 1000 units a year. The long term plan is to produce thermally insulated containers and rail cars, new models of tank containers for transportation of corrosive cargoes.

Alexander Kulikov, CEO of RM Rail Trading House:

- We are pleased to present to our customers a new innovative hopper car for mineral fertilizers. Aluminum alloy rolling stock is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative to conventional steel rail cars. Already at the stage of experimental development, users showed interest in the new model, primarily due to the improved technical characteristics of the hopper, which make its use profitable.

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