РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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RM Rail hands over special vehicle to the administration of Ruzayevka Urban Settlement

RM Rail, a leading manufacturer of freight rolling stock in Russia, has provided the administration of Ruzayevka Urban Settlement with a “Belarus” tractor as part of sponsorship. The donation is timed to celebration of the town’s 390th anniversary. The keys to the vehicle were handed over to the municipal administration during the ceremonial events on the 12th of June.

RM Rail hands over special vehicle to the administration of Ruzayevka Urban Settlement

RM Rail, a leading manufacturer of freight rolling stock in Russia, has provided the administration of Ruzayevka Urban Settlement with a “Belarus” tractor as part of sponsorship. The donation is timed to celebration of the town’s 390th anniversary. The keys to the vehicle were handed over to the municipal administration during the ceremonial events on the 12th of June.

A modern vehicle of domestic manufacture is equipped with necessary attachments and is intended for urban cleaning. Ruzayevka is the place where RM Rail main enterprise, Ruzkhimmash, is located, so clean streets, safe roads, and comfortable living environment are essential for the company's employees.

The amount of sponsorship is 2.165 million rubles.

The plant continues to implement social and environmental projects in Ruzayevka. Employees are engaged in the improvement of Khimmash Settlement, creation of Mashinostroiteley Avenue is underway (scheduled to be complete in August 2021), public roads repair is planned.

Valery Larin, Managing Director of JSC Ruzkhimmash:

- A year earlier, we donated an ambulance to Ruzayevsky Central District Hospital, today we managed to provide the community services with a special vehicle. We are linked by a long-term partnership with a single goal - the development of our hometown.

Alexander Saygachev, Head of Ruzaevsky District:

- Ruzkhimmash is a backbone enterprise of Ruzayevka with a 60-year history. Together with the plant, a full-blown neighbourhood unit grew and improved here. And today the plant management takes an active part in the life of the neighbourhood, meeting halfway our requests. This is of great worth. We are grateful for the vitally important and timely donation in the form of special vehicle. It will work for the good and prosperity of the town. And we look forward to further cooperation.
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