RM Rail expanded Employee Assistance Program
РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
РМ Рейл Москва
123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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RM Rail expanded Employee Assistance Program

RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia, has expanded its social support program for employees. It covers several areas - from increasing the level of wages to creating additional welfare facilities on manufacturing sites.

RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia, has expanded its social support program for employees. It covers several areas - from increasing the level of wages to creating additional welfare facilities on manufacturing sites.

A significant measure in expansion of social benefits is the increase in wages. At the first step, in 2021, direct labor pay rates were revised, in February 2022, other categories of employees were covered, including salaried employees and indirect labor. Growth averaged 10% or more. The wage indexation has strengthened RM Rail’s standing of an employer offering competitive wages in the region.

On account of consistently high indicators of labor productivity and product quality, it was possible to award employees with 2021 performance bonus. The bonus was given to everyone who worked for at least 11 months without violations of labor discipline and industrial safety.

A growing team has arisen the need to create additional welfare facilities. New canteens were opened at two Ruzkhimmash sites in Saransk and Ruzaevka, at Neon (Insar), RM Rail Abakanvagonmash (Abakan). Each employee is given a lunch allowance which provides a full set meal. The capacities of laundry facilities have been increased. Provisions for attending cultural, entertainment, sporting and other socially significant events were included into benefits package.

Irina Matrosova, RM Rail HR Director:

- We strive to ensure that everyone who works in our company has the maximum opportunities in terms of training, career advancement, competitive wages, comfortable and safe working conditions. Personnel policy allows us to consistently implement significant social transformations. Every year we introduce new measures to support our employees, and we will certainly continue to work in this direction.

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