RM Rail develops cooperation with Uralchem on supply of specialized rolling stock
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RM Rail develops cooperation with Uralchem on supply of specialized rolling stock

RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia, has entered into a partnership agreement with United Chemical Company Uralchem. The companies will continue cooperation in upgrading the fleet of special-purpose rolling stock. The signing took place in the course of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia, has entered into a partnership agreement with United Chemical Company Uralchem. The companies will continue cooperation in upgrading the fleet of special-purpose rolling stock. The signing took place in the course of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The agreement provides for the implementation of projects intended to upgrade Uralchem’s fleet of special-purpose rolling stock in 2023-2024. The document was signed by RM Rail General Director Maksim Tevs and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Uralchem Dmitry Tatyanin. The parties agreed that RM Rail will make to order of Uralkali 250 hopper cars model 19-1274 for transportation of mineral fertilizers as the first shipment.

The companies are already linked by many years of cooperation. RM Rail acts as one of the main suppliers of railway vehicles. The new form of partnership is aimed at boosting the development and roll-out of a new generation of freight cars produced by RM Rail.

Maksim Tevs, RM Rail General Director:

- We have a strong focus on developing model range of the rolling stock which is of interest to our strategic partners. These are such industry flagship developments as, for example, grain or mineral hoppers. One of the latest innovations is an advanced aluminum hopper model created with the participation of Uralchem and customized, inter alia, for their tasks. We hope that the cooperation will be proceeded with successful field experience and will give impetus to our new joint projects.

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