RM Rail agreed on cooperation with the Kuibyshev Railway
РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
РМ Рейл Москва
123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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RM Rail agreed on cooperation with the Kuibyshev Railway

Ruzkhimmash (part of RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia) has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Kuibyshev Railway. The agreement was signed in the course of transport and logistics conference “PRO//Motion.Povolzhye”.

Ruzkhimmash (part of RM Rail, a leading freight rolling stock manufacturer in Russia) has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Kuibyshev Railway. The agreement was signed in the course of transport and logistics conference “PRO//Motion.Povolzhye”.

The cooperation agreement was signed by the representatives of the parties - Maksim Tevs, RM Rail General Director, and Vyacheslav Dmitriev, Head of the Kuibyshev Railway. The agreement is valid until 2025.

The agreement will enable partners to join efforts in the development of railway transport and logistics infrastructure in the Volga Federal District. In particular, it is about advancement of equipment and technologies, improving the quality and availability of service for cargo owners, and attracting new cargo flows to the network.

Maksim Tevs, RM Rail General Director:

- Povolzhye (the Volga region) is the area of RM Rail’s predominant presence, and we are directly interested in its progress. The party to the agreement on our part is Ruzkhimmash, the key enterprise of the company, introducer of state-of-the-art railway vehicles. Specific proposals and projects are already there, and we are ready to start their joint review with our partner any time soon. This year, RM Rail plans to manufacture over 10,000 rail cars. Bringing improved performance rolling stock to the market remains our priority.

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