Interim Head of Mordovia Artem Zdunov visits RM Rail base operations
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Interim Head of Mordovia Artem Zdunov visits RM Rail base operations

Interim Head of Mordovia Artem Zdunov, as part of his business trip to Ruzaevsky district, visited the Ruzkhimmash plant where he had a detailed look at the main production sites and product range of the enterprise.

Interim Head of Mordovia Artem Zdunov, as part of his business trip to Ruzaevsky district, visited the Ruzkhimmash plant where he had a detailed look at the main production sites and product range of the enterprise.

According to Valery Larin, Ruzkhimmash General Director, at present the plant is the second in Russia in rolling stock production, this year it will produce 10 thousand rail cars.

The main order portfolio was formed from demand for improved performance models, like grain hoppers, mineral hoppers, container flat cars. Rail cars for transportation of oil products and gasoline are also sought after, a tank car for transportation of vegetable oils has received certification. One of the models intended for export is bauxite hopper. It is built to the AAR (Association of American Railroads) standard and will be operated in Africa.

New projects imply the development of special purpose models, such as high-speed flat cars, aluminum bodied freight cars.

From the beginning of coronavirus infection spread, the enterprise has introduced enhanced sanitary safety measures. The entrances are equipped with infrared cameras, the workplaces are fitted with bactericidal irradiators and disinfection lamps. Disinfection is made on a regular basis, people are provided with personal protective equipment, antiseptics. Free COVID-19 testing is carried out; 86% of employees have been vaccinated against influenza.
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