РМ Рейл Саранск
430006, Республика Мордовия,
г. Саранск, ул. Лодыгина, 11 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
РМ Рейл Москва
123376, г. Москва,
ул. Рочдельская, 15, стр.17-18 8 (800) 20-10-700 uk@rmrail.ru
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RM Rail certifies its refrigerated wagon

In terms of its characteristics, the new product surpasses all available analogues on the market
RM Rail has received a certificate of conformity for its autonomous refrigerated wagon (model 16-1247). It is designed for transportation of perishable and non-perishable, mainly food cargoes - piece, tare-piece, packaged, in crates, on pallets, requiring protection from atmospheric precipitation and maintaining temperature in the cargo compartment from minus 20 °С to plus 15 °С. The model's payload is 60 tons, which is at least 4 tons higher than the one of available analogues. The body volume is 132 m3 and the floor area is 47 m². The undercarriage is the innovative RM Rail bogie (axle load of 25 tf). The service life is 25 years, the guaranteed period before overhaul is 16 years.

The body of the refrigerator wagon and the sliding doors of the cargo compartment are insulated from environmental impact by heat-insulating material. The unique scheme of insulation allowed to exclude the so-called "cold bridges", which allows to ensure the stability of the temperature inside.

A refrigeration and heating unit with a built-in system of remote control of temperature and humidity in the cargo compartment is installed in the end part of the body. In this way, the wagon owner or shipper will be able to control the conditions of cargo transportation throughout the entire journey.

Sergey Drobzhev, First Deputy CEO of RM Rail:
"In the recent five years, the volume of rail transportation of cargoes requiring compliance with temperature conditions has been steadily growing. At the same time, the most important types of isothermal rolling stock are not mass-produced by domestic manufacturers. Predominantly all domestic demand for these wagons was covered by imported supplies. In response to market demand, RM Rail is actively developing its isothermal rolling stock. One of the promising models is a refrigerated wagon ( 16-1247), which shows a better performance than the one of any available analogue."
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